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ISBN 0955706823 / 0955706807

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Book sources

The book is now available through most bookshops.

Where possible, support your local independent bookseller, or the vendor site that you feel has been most useful to you, or suppliers who have decided to hold stock of the book.

If you're having trouble finding or ordering the book locally, here are some online sites that list it:

North America

UK and Europe

Japan and Australia

Most of these links include a search key for the book's title. If you're visiting a real-life bookshop yourself, you should probably make a note of the ISBN number, 0955706807. The longer 13-digit code for the book (sometimes preferred by libraries) is 978 0 9557068 0 6.

The publisher is Chocolate Tree Books, but the ISBN number is more likely to be the thing that the bookshop will be interested in.


Alternatively, you might prefer to get a look at a copy at your local library.
Interlibrary loans should make the book available through libraries in most of Europe and the USA

USA Libraries

UK Libraries

  • WorldCat
     ( search major world libraries )
  • The European Library 
    ( search national European library catalogues, by name or by long 978- ISBN number.
    Interlibrary loan schemes operate between many EU countries )
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